
b | agate | 1 drone photograph
b | agate | 1 drone photograph

b | agate | 1

save me to save yourself



i am the mission, the commander, the artist, the nonartist, the activist, the joker, the leader, the follower

mission command who image

i deliver the message


9 bees agate digital print, foil balloon, helium, fishing line
1 tulip cast bronze, painted
1 syringe stainless steel


measurements full height 500.3 cm
tulip & syringe 213.9 cm
weight 89 kg


bee the bee and its message were found, encoded in a 200-million-year-old stone called agate. she is the most important living creature on this planet, but she is rapidly vanishing because we are poisoning her food

she dies – we die

tulip the most manipulated flower in history. she has caused joy, betrayal, frenzies, wars, and stock market crashes
syringe it is the tool of invisible intrusion. it hardly leaves a mark whether used to heal, sedate, or manipulate.

